Report on Panag: A High Frequency Direct Current


I would like to state that I have been using the Panag device in my practice since February 2007. I have not conducted research but have incorporated this treatment as a stand alone or in combination with other treatments mostly for relieving pain, inflammation, improving nerve conduction and assisting with infertility conditions. I have therefore noted results that I have observed in various case histories.

The premise behind this treatment is that it appears to affect the immune system by decreasing inflammation and possibly infection in various circumstances. It is also purported to have a similar current to that which exists within the human body. When used externally with electrodes applied to the skin it stimulates nerve endings locally and when used internally with a probe it stimulates the central nervous system including the spinal cord and brain due to its ability to be inserted into orifaces such as the vagina, rectum or mouth (different electrodes) which have a close proximity to the cauda equina (base of the spinal cord) and the medulla (base of the brain).

Pain may be of two types – nociceptive (an injury or disease such as osteoarthritis) or neuropathic (in which a nerve that has been injured or even spontaneously may become disturbed producing unusual pain states that do not respond to normal treatment approaches such as regular physiotherapy). Many conditions such as failed back syndrome are a combination of both nociceptive and neuropathic states.

I have noted in my practice that the effects that have occurred when Panag is applied locally with electrodes on areas of the body appear to be decreased pain, swelling and improved strength in muscles. This may occur after one to three treatments especially in patients that have pain due to aberration in the nervous system of the peripheral joints (hand, foot, elbow and knee) known as complex regional pain syndromes. When applied to spinal areas for prolonged back and leg pain in which nerve tissue may be inflamed or compressed, it may reduce leg and back pain and improve strength in the leg due to improved nerve conduction and thus affect general mobility in the patient.

The effects are different when internal probes are used. When used for infertility it appears to improve hormonal levels as observed in a 35 year old patient who had progesterone levels of 0.1mg with previous hormonal treatments and 0.3mg after a course of acupuncture which obviously could not sustain a pregnancy (normal levels being 30mg). After a month of Panag for one hour five days a week the level reached 45mg and when treatment was discontinued, the level remained at 47mg for the next month and then fell to 27mg the following month. Pregnancy has not yet occurred in this patient.

Another infertility patient of 30 years old with early onset menopause due to polycystic ovaries and endometriosis who had surgery to remove a septum also had decreased progesterone levels. She only had 3 treatments with internal Panag (after 4 acupuncture treatments) and 2 eggs developed and the patient was tested at the appropriate time and was found to be pregnant with twins. While waiting for the pregnancy test a further 4 acupuncture treatments were also administered. The protocol for patients with endometriosis is to commence Panag treatment on the first day of the period for 10 consecutive days and then to wait for ovulation to occur. Panag also relaxes the patient, improves appetite and hair quality and quantity and generally provides a feeling of well being. Patients report these effects when on the treatment.

Panag can also assist with male infertility and in a case history where the sperm count was low the patient reported that his wife had fallen pregnant after he had a few treatments of Panag. It also appears to help patients who have an enlarged prostate with disturbed sleep due to having to awaken more frequently to empty the bladder.

A female patient with a cystocoele and a prolapsed bladder after failed back spinal surgery found that the internal Panag assisted her with this condition. It seems Panag may be helpful in urinary incontinence by strengthening internal muscle tissue.

There are many patients that do not demonstrate radical changes in their condition after Panag but patients with complex and severe chronic pain often have many problems that do not have simple solutions. Each patient is an individual and treatment must always be tailored to assist the particular problems that have manifested.

A pain oriented practice usually deals with complicated pain states and many approaches may need to be employed to assist the patient with pain control and an improved quality of life.

It should be understood that this report only analyses case histories and in no way represents any research on this product.

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